Angels & Demons

For every Angel, there is a similar Demon.

Angels & Demons (A&D) is an exclusive 1/1 NFTs that can only be found the on the Algorand blockchain. Please see below for the Project Overview.

For any questions, please DM @ Twitter Account: ShoTimerNFT

Project Overview:


A&D are all 1/1 NFTs on the Algorand BlockChain
Total Supply is:

        - 469x Angels
        - 469x Demons


Angel/Demon 0-50:       10A      Angel/Demon 250-350: 40A
Angel/Demon 50-100:   15A      Angel/Demon 350-400: 50A
Angel/Demon 100-150: 20A      Angel/Demon 400-469: 60A
Angel/Demon 150-250: 30A
*Collaboration Projects and giveaways (free) may have specifal price.
Attribute variations and Rarity

All attributes are randomly selected via Discord Bot.

Some attribute will be more rare than others and some attributes have equal chance. Rarity Chart Can be seen on the right. Both Angel and Demon has the same probability of rarity as some colors and attributes are specific to each.

*Collaborations and giveaway will be done where certain attributes are locked and will be noted.

10% of all profits will be given back to the holders of A&D!
This can be giving away Algo or giving away other artist's NFT. A random drawing will be announced in twitter but there is no need to opt in as this will be drawn list of A&D holders.
All profit history of each month will be logged for everyone to see.

1st Month Profit: 710A -> 1st Giveaway: AlgorillaArmy#175 (80A)

Current Statistics

Actual Statistics

There is theoretical attribute probablity but what is the actual probabilty from the actual minted? Figure it out here!
Click on "All" to see all minted or reset filter